WVJLAP Support Groups
Presenter: Steve Wall, Esquire, Managing Partner for Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP, and a senior partner in its Labor & Employment Practice.
As Managing Partner, Steve is responsible for the global firm’s practices, industry initiatives, lateral partner recruitment, and strategic business planning. As someone in long-term recovery from alcoholism, Steve will share his personal story with lawyers, law firm leaders, and members of the judiciary in the hope of shedding light on and reducing the stigma associated with mental health issues in the legal industry.
Click on the above link for online resources and recovery related materials. If anyone is struggling, feeling isolated, or needs someone to talk to, please contact WVJLAP at (304) 553-7232.
Attorney/Law Student Wellness
- The Path to Lawyer Well-being
- Well-Being Toolkit For Lawyers and Legal Employers
- ABA Anit-Stigma Campaign Video
- Law Student Well-Being Podcasts
Retirement, or Closing a Law Practice
- Closing a Solo Practice: An Exit To-Do List
WVSB Succession Plan
WVODC Guidelines for Closing a Law Practice
WVODC Closing Down Your Practice Handbook - Attorney Retirement and Cognitive Decline Webinar
- Thriving During Transition
- Learning to Adapt to Predictable, Unpredictable Changes
- With Small Changes, One Solo Finds Way Into Retirement
- ABA Resources for Senior Lawyers
- Elder Life Planning
- National Association of Professional Geriatric Care Managers, Inc.
- Family Caregiver Alliance
- U.S. Dep’t of Health and Human Services Administration on Aging
- U.S. Dep’t of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health
- American Association of Retired Persons
- National Council on the Aging
- Positive Aging Resource Center
Stress & Emotional Issues
- ABA Releases Comprehensive Survey Report Revealing Key Drivers of Judicial Stress
- ABA: Stress and Resiliency in the U.S. Judiciary
- Wellness, Mindfulness, Work-Life Balance
- SecondaryTrauma
- Tips for Survivors of a Traumatic Event
- CDC: Coping With Stress
- How to Make Stress Your Friend
- LawCareerCounseling.com
- Increase Self-Regulation, Focus, Concentration and Decrease Stress Through Mindfulness and Meditation
If you or someone you know needs help, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
- Working Long Hours Doubles Depression Odds from CNN Health
- Blues vs. Depression: Be Alert for the Signs from Attorney at Work
- Even Lawyers Get the Blues from the Wall Street Journal
- Lawyers With Depression Created for lawyers with depression, by a lawyer with depression
- freedomfromfear.org an anxiety and depression resource organization
- Psychology Information Online provides information about depression
- Pressure Cooker: How BigLaw Pressure Contributes to High Attorney Depression Rates
- Depression and Suicide Prevention in the Legal Profession
Mental Health
Substance Abuse
- Opioid Crisis: The Doctor Who Got Addicted
- The Lawyer, The Addict
- Generation Adderall
- Model Language for Addressing Substance Use Disorders (Addiction) in Trust Documents
- 2016 Annual Meeting, NCBP, NABE both address alcohol, substance use, mental health problems
- National Task Force Looks to Help Struggling Lawyers
- Dealing With Social Isolation/Addiction
- What’s All the Buzz About ABA Study
- Anxiety and alcoholism
- Stop-prescribing-opioids
- Addiction Recovery Resources for the Professional
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- American Bar Association Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs
- DUI Prevention
- International Lawyers in Alcoholics Anonymous
- National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
- National Institute on Drug Abuse
- Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
- Treatment 4 Addiction
- West Virginia Collegiate Recovery Network
Sex Addiction
Internet Addiction
Find a Meeting
International Lawyers Alcoholics Anonymous
Celebrate Recovery
Narcotics Anonymous WV
Smart Recovery
National Helpline for Judges Helping Judges ILAA: 1-800-219-6476
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK<tel:1-800-273-T